More than one million Americans have a knee replaced every year in the US, and most of these patients have yet to officially retire from the workforce. Because of this, one of the most common questions we receive from patients during a knee replacement consult is “when can I get back to work after
Five Things To Know About Having Your Other Knee Replaced
It’s not uncommon for a person’s knee joints to wear down in an uneven fashion, meaning that one joint may reach the point where replacement surgery is the best option while the other knee is still in pretty good shape. However, years or even decades down the road, you may find that your other knee
Could A Blood Blocking Procedure Help Limit Pain From Knee Osteoarthritis?
New research out of Germany suggests that targeting specific arteries in the knee with a blood blocking procedure could significantly improve symptoms in patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis. The technique, called genicular artery embolization (GAE), was shown to improve patients’ quality
4 Tips For Preventing Blood Clots After Knee Replacement Surgery
Joint replacement surgery continues to get safer as medical knowledge and technology improves, but we’ll never get to a place where there are zero risks associated with an operation. One risk that we work to minimize following a knee replacement procedure is the onset of blood clots. Blood clots
Joint Replacement Proves Best For Patients With Severe Hip Arthritis
For the vast majority of medical conditions, conservative treatment is preferred to operative care for a number of reasons. Not only is surgery more invasive, but surgery and recovery inherently carries more risks given the nature of the technique. When possible, surgeons prefer to rectify a problem
5 Tips For Recovering From Joint Replacement Surgery If You Live Alone
Making a full recovery from joint replacement surgery can be a slow process, and during this time it can be helpful to have the support of a spouse or child who lives with you. However, for many older Americans who are considering knee or joint replacement, they live by themselves. Joint replacement
Why The Key To Knee Replacement Is In The Quadriceps
Orthopedic surgeons perform hundreds of thousands of knee replacement operations each year in the US, and they are always looking for ways to improve on the standard technique and make the procedure less taxing on the patient. Recently, a new knee replacement technique has started to become the
Managing Your Mental Health After Joint Replacement Surgery
When it comes to recovering after joint replacement surgery, much of the focus is placed on overcoming physical symptoms and limitations, and this makes sense because these issues are the most obvious. However, it’s imperative that you don’t overlook your mental health while you’re working to