Humans are prone to procrastination, especially when we need to do something we aren’t particularly looking forward to. Even if the end result will be great, the act of reaching that destination can seem daunting and make us put off things that we shouldn’t. That’s especially true for something like
5 Tips For A Successful Hip Replacement Recovery
A hip replacement procedure is a major undertaking, even for otherwise healthy individuals. Recovery is going to take some time, but it’s not just the passage of time that will ensure healing is a success. There are a number of steps you’ll want to take to help keep your recovery on track. In
Understanding Hip Replacement Revision Surgery
Advances in modern medicine have made artificial surgical hardware much more durable, but even today’s technology isn’t immune from wear and tear. Moreover, because of advancements in artificial implants, the average age of a hip replacement candidate continues to get younger, and that means
Lifestyle Changes Need To Be Patient-Driven After Hip Replacement Surgery
Many people think that the only thing standing between them and some of their most enjoyable physical activities is the pain and discomfort they are dealing with in their hip. They believe that a hip replacement procedure will free them of their pain and return them to an active lifestyle, but
5 Tips For Transitioning Home After Hip Or Knee Replacement
There is a certain comfort that comes with recovering from a procedure in the hospital or an in-patient facility. You know that you have trained medical staff that can assist in any way and monitor your recovery to ensure everything stays on track. However, for the vast majority of people, they are
“Hovering” Programs Can Reduce Hospital Readmission After Joint Replacement Surgery
While the actual operation gets much of the focus, the success of your knee or hip replacement surgery depends largely on your rehabilitation efforts after the procedure. Because of this, medical researchers have been looking into ways to help keep a person’s rehab on track and prevent setbacks
The Basics Of Double Hip Replacement Surgery
During a standard hip replacement operation, the surgeon removes part of your hip joint that has been damaged and replaces it with artificial parts that function in the same way as a healthy hip structure. Oftentimes this procedure is performed on one side of the hip, but if both hips are worn and
10 Things To Do Before Your Hip Replacement Operation
A hip replacement is a big undertaking, and that’s why it’s so important to have all your ducks in a row prior to the procedure. If you control what you can control prior to your operation, you’ll be setting yourself up for success once your hip replacement operation is complete. With that in mind,