A hip replacement operation can be the first step in helping you live a pain free life and getting back to doing some of the activities you love, but it’s also a significant surgery that will require weeks and months of recovery. The rehabilitation journey after hip surgery will be both rewarding and frustrating, and oftentimes it’s helpful to be able to lean on a support system to help keep your recovery on track.
If a friend or family member has recently undergone hip replacement surgery, know that there are some things you can do to make their recovery journey a little more bearable. In today’s blog, we shine a light on some ways you can help a loved one after their hip replacement procedure.
Helping Someone After Hip Replacement
You can’t do their physical therapy exercises for them, but there are a number of things you can do to help someone keep their rehab on track after a hip replacement operation. Those things include:
- Offer Rides – Your loved one is not going to be able to drive for a while after their hip replacement procedure, so helping them get around after surgery is a great way to lend a hand. See if they need rides to or from appointments or follow ups, or offer to help them run errands.
- Learn Their Restrictions – Activity restrictions are put in place for a reason, because one wrong move could lead to a joint dislocation. Learn their restrictions and help encourage them to keep them in mind. Remind them what’s at stake and that the restrictions are only temporary if they begin to push the limits.
- Cook – It may be a little difficult for someone who has just undergone a hip replacement procedure to cook on their own, and they may opt for unhealthy microwavable or delivery options. Offer to cook some healthy meals, or better yet, drop off a few healthy, easy-to-reheat meals that they can manage on their own. Healthy foods will help their body get key nutrients that fuel recovery, and it will help avoid weight gain that can put extra stress on their recovering hip.
- Listen – Sometimes what a person really needs after a physically and mentally draining surgical procedure is just someone who is willing to listen. Let them vent to you about their frustrations, or just have a conversation about something that takes their mind off their recovery. This will also be a great way to gauge what you can do for them to help them most.
- Encourage – We said that you can’t do their physical therapy exercises for them, but you can encourage them to do their daily exercises to help keep their rehab on track. You can even do them alongside them if that helps! Be a voice of encouragement and compliment them on things they are doing well or if you notice improvements in their abilities.
- Medication Management – Finally, consider helping them manage their medications. Pain and discomfort can lead them to take pills too frequently, or maybe they don’t have the best memory and forget to take their medications. Offer to lend a hand and help remind them to take their medications or dole it out for them.
If you keep these tips in mind, your loved one will have a great chance of making a full and speedy recovery after hip replacement surgery. For more tips, or for help with your hip pain, reach out to Dr. Botero’s office today.