For the vast majority of conditions, surgery is seen as the last line of defense. Even when the procedure has a high rate of success, surgery carries with it some additional risks that doctors will work to avoid if they believe that other treatments may be just as effective. This sentiment holds
Am I Too Heavy For Knee Or Hip Replacement?
Joint deterioration is the most common reason why someone would need to undergo a knee or hip replacement procedure, and one of the leading reasons for this deterioration is obesity. When you’re overweight or obese, your joints have to handle more stress with every step you take. Over the years, all
Thinking Of Joint Replacement Surgery? Don’t Delay
Humans are prone to procrastination, especially when we need to do something we aren’t particularly looking forward to. Even if the end result will be great, the act of reaching that destination can seem daunting and make us put off things that we shouldn’t. That’s especially true for something like
How Your Weight Impacts Your Joint Replacement Surgery
A decade ago, being obese may have meant that you were ineligible to schedule a hip or knee replacement procedure until you lost a certain amount of weight. We still want patients to work towards a healthy weight for a number of reasons, but being overweight no longer automatically disqualifies you
The 4 Stages Of Recovery After A Joint Replacement Operation
Even when it’s performed using minimally invasive techniques, a joint replacement operation is a significant undertaking for your body that will require weeks and months of post-operative rehab. Many patients find it easier to reconcile with their recovery if they break the process up into chunks,