Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, oftentimes simply referred to as Perthes, is a condition that affects the health of your hip joint. It typically develops in children and teens and is four more times as common in boys than in girls. It usually only affects one side of the hip, but it can develop on both
5 Signs You Could Benefit From A Hip Replacement
Our hips handle an immense amount of stress and strain over the years, and when coupled with poor posture or unfortunate genetics, you could find that you’re in need of a hip replacement. But what type of symptoms suggest that you may be an ideal candidate for hip replacement surgery? In today’s
Treating Knee Pain After Hip Replacement
Not all causes of knee pain after hip replacement can be completely prevented, and it’s important to remember that you should focus on controlling only what you can control during your recovery. Follow your doctor’s post-op instructions, stick to your physical therapy schedule and talk with your
What Happens If My Hip Dislocates After Replacement Surgery?
Your new artificial hip will help you get back to doing a number of physical activities that were too daunting with your painful and weak hip, but that doesn’t mean all actions and movements are safe once you have a new hip. If you bend in the wrong way or put too much stress on the hip area, the
How to Prevent Knee Pain After Hip Surgery
The last thing you want after undergoing hip replacement surgery is to develop pain and discomfort in another joint like your knee, but it’s an unfortunate reality for a subset of hip replacement patients each year. When you learn how your lower body has to adjust during your hip replacement
5 Lifestyle Changes To Make After Hip Or Knee Replacement
A knee or hip replacement can give you a brand new outlook on life, and we hope that you make the most of this new opportunity. In fact, by making a few lifestyle adjustments following your joint replacement surgery, you can greatly increase your overall physical function and your quality of life.
5 Tips For Healthy Sleep After A Knee Or Hip Replacement
There are a number of ways that you can help your body become stronger after a joint replacement procedure, and while the bulk of the attention may be paid to your physical therapy program, there are other aspects of your daily schedule that can help or hinder your recovery. One of those aspects is
Free Yourself From The Burden Of Knee Or Hip Pain
Millions of people around the world undergo a knee or hip replacement procedure every year, and the vast majority quickly realize just how much their joint discomfort was holding them back. Recently, a study took a closer look at the preoperative burden of knee and hip pain, and the results show