When you hear the term “hip replacement,” you probably picture a retiree getting ready to have their hip replaced with an artificial hip. We certainly help a number of patients in their 60s and 70s, but over the last decade we’ve seen a sizable shift in the age of the patient who is walking into our
What a Relief!
The Risks Of Knee Surgery And How We Work To Prevent Complications
All surgeries carry risks, but more invasive surgeries like joint replacement operations tend to carry a few more potential complications than other corrective procedures. The good news is that we’re well versed in all the possible complications and we know how to greatly reduce your risks. In
How Long Does A Hip Or Knee Replacement Last?
One of the most common questions we receive when consulting with patients about their potential hip or knee replacement operation surrounds the durability of the implant and how long they can expect the joint to last. There’s no straight answer, and a number of different factors help to determine
Accept No Substitutes
How Obesity Can Complicate Knee Replacement Surgery
Obesity is one of the main risk factors for needing knee replacement surgery down the road, and that makes sense because more stress is channeled through your knees with every step you take if you’re overweight. This added stress serves to break the joint down faster, but obesity isn’t just a risk
Common Hip Replacement Surgery Risks And How We Prevent Them
Even the most basic of surgeries carry some type of risk, and although we as a medical community are getting much better are reducing the risk of complications, no surgery goes as planned 100 percent of the time. With that said, there are a number of things Dr. Botero and his team do to reduce your
5 Reasons To Not Put Off Knee Surgery Any Longer
There are a number of reasons why someone may want to delay undergoing surgery, some of which are more valid than others. The problem is that putting off a necessary surgery could be causing a variety of related issues, some of which aren’t all that evident until it’s too late. We understand that