A knee replacement operation is the most common joint replacement surgery that is performed in the United States. And while it is a relatively common procedure, knee surgeons agree that if you can prevent the need for a joint replacement procedure, it’s preferred to the replacement operation. In
How To Reduce Knee Surgery Scars After Knee Replacement
If you are slated to undergo a knee replacement procedure, you may be wondering what your future scar will look like. Some people like the idea of a scar because it tells a story, while others want to do everything in their power to minimize the visibility of their scar so that their legs and knees
5 Lifestyle Changes To Make After Hip Or Knee Replacement
A knee or hip replacement can give you a brand new outlook on life, and we hope that you make the most of this new opportunity. In fact, by making a few lifestyle adjustments following your joint replacement surgery, you can greatly increase your overall physical function and your quality of life.
The Best Time of the Year For Knee Surgery
Since knee replacement surgery is an elective procedure, you have a little flexibility in when you decide to go under the knife. You don’t want to undergo surgery before a big trip, or maybe you don’t want to be hobbled during the holiday season. Everyone has different factors that dictate when they
Overcome These 3 Common Obstacles To Successful Knee Replacement Surgery
Knee replacement surgery is a major undertaking, and because of this, you want to do everything in your power to avoid some of the potential obstacles to a successful surgery. No surgery and recovery goes perfectly every single time, but if you are aware of some of the common pitfalls, you can
5 Tips For Healthy Sleep After A Knee Or Hip Replacement
There are a number of ways that you can help your body become stronger after a joint replacement procedure, and while the bulk of the attention may be paid to your physical therapy program, there are other aspects of your daily schedule that can help or hinder your recovery. One of those aspects is
8 Great Gift Ideas For Someone Undergoing Knee Replacement Surgery
If a friend or family member is slated to undergo a knee replacement procedure, you may be wondering if there is anything you can get them to show that you’re thinking of them and want the best for their operation and recovery. Every person is different, but considering we know what goes into knee
Free Yourself From The Burden Of Knee Or Hip Pain
Millions of people around the world undergo a knee or hip replacement procedure every year, and the vast majority quickly realize just how much their joint discomfort was holding them back. Recently, a study took a closer look at the preoperative burden of knee and hip pain, and the results show