Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Partial Knee Replacement
Partial knee replacement, also known as unicompartmental knee replacement, is a relatively new procedure in the grand scheme of medical surgery, but we still have hordes of clinical data that shows it can be a perfect procedure for some patients dealing with knee problems. Patients tend to have a
The Benefits Of Prehab Before Hip Replacement Surgery
If you’re considering hip replacement or you have a replacement operation scheduled in the future, you’re probably wondering what you can do in the days and weeks leading up to your operation to give you the best chance of having a successful surgery and recovery. Most people are aware that physical
5 Ways To Prevent The Need For Knee Replacement Surgery
We’re happy to help any patient that walks through our doors that is an ideal candidate for partial or total knee replacement surgery, but in a perfect world, people’s knees would stay healthy long into their golden years. As with any medical condition, prevention is preferred to treatment, so in
Preventing Dislocations After Hip Replacement Surgery
One concern patients typically ask about during the process of their hip replacement journey is in regards to the potential for a future dislocation of their new hip. Since their new hip will be a ball and socket joint, it’s possible for the ball to shift out of its correct location and cause a
Why Knee Replacements Fail And How To Prevent These Problems
No surgery goes perfectly every single time, but knee replacement has one of the highest success rates in the industry. More than 95 percent of knee replacements last more than 15 years, and the vast majority of patients never need a second surgery. With all that said, there’s still a sizeable
Dr. Botero Talks Knee Replacements on the Dr. Bob Show
Dr. Botero recently dropped by the Dr. Bob Show to talk about the benefits of knee replacement surgery. Watch the video below to learn more!
Why Patients Choose Dr. Botero For Their Hip Or Knee Surgery
We want to be the team that helps you get back to the daily activities you love to do with a new hip or knee, but in explaining why we would be the best fit for your situation, our words can only do so much. We can tell you that we practice the latest techniques and do everything in our power to